Deep linking, link previews, intelligent redirects and more.
Oops, a valid url is required.
Please enter a valid URL containing http:// or https://.
If you wait a moment we are trying to preload a url preview for you.
You can now have an AppURL like Pam, Deep linking from a custom URL could not be easier. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask support.
Custom URLs are a paid feature of AppURL. Just like a domain name, our custom URLs are $1 / month billed annually.
Please enter a valid url tag. (Letters, numbers, dash, and period are accepted.
Preview: {{vm.ui.vanityUrl}}{{vm.urlData.customSlug}}
{{ vm.ui.errorMessage || 'Well this is awkward, it looks like there was an error on our side.'}}
Please try again or contact us.
With powerful features like deep linking, link preview, analytics, and text messaging the possibilities are endless.
In a couple of seconds, you can create a dynamic single URL or Link that will make sharing a breeze. Customizable and beautifully rendered when shared.
Don't frustrate the people that have already downloaded your app by sending them to the app store again. Launch your app with meaningful content for your existing users, without the need to install complicated software.
Creating your custom AppURL!
Success! Your AppURL is below.
Please wait a moment we are trying to preload this section for you.
You know those page previews you get on Facebook, LinkedIn and iMessages when you share a link? Fill out this section to have your links display beautifully on countless sites.
Do you want to direct users with iPhones and/or iPads to a specific URL?
Do you want to direct users with Android phones and/or tablets to a specific URL?
Do you want to direct users with Windows (Mobile) phones and/or tablets to a specific URL?
Would you like to make it incredibly easy for your users to download your app? Add a text box to your website that allows your users to enter their phone number and have a download link sent right to their phone. A ClickSend account is required.
If you have a ClickSend account go ahead and enter your Username and API key below, if not head over to ClickSend to sign up.